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1. Acceptation des Conditions

En utilisant la DIJ e-Card, vous acceptez les présentes conditions d'utilisation. Veuillez les lire attentivement avant d'utiliser votre e-Card.

2. Obtention de la DIJ e-Card

La DIJ e-Card est fournie gratuitement pour chaque commande de traduction effectuée sur Vous recevrez votre e-Card par email, accompagnée de votre code personnel.

3. Utilisation de la DIJ e-Card

La DIJ e-Card vous permet de bénéficier d'offres spéciales et de réductions chez nos partenaires participants. Pour utiliser votre e-Card, présentez votre code personnel à nos partenaires au moment de la réservation ou de l'achat.

4. Validité

La DIJ e-Card est valable pendant un an à partir de la date de réception. Après cette période, la e-Card et les offres associées expireront.

5. Partenaires Participants

Les offres et réductions sont disponibles uniquement chez les partenaires participants indiqués sur Les partenaires peuvent changer sans préavis, et DrivinJapan ne peut être tenu responsable des modifications apportées par les partenaires.

6. Conditions des Offres

Chaque offre ou réduction a des conditions spécifiques qui doivent être respectées. Ces conditions seront indiquées avec chaque offre. Sous réserve de disponibilité, certaines offres peuvent ne pas être cumulables avec d'autres promotions.

7. Utilisation Frauduleuse

Toute utilisation frauduleuse ou non autorisée de la DIJ e-Card peut entraîner son annulation immédiate. DrivinJapan se réserve le droit de prendre des mesures légales contre toute personne impliquée dans une telle utilisation.

8. Modifications des Conditions

DrivinJapan se réserve le droit de modifier les présentes conditions d'utilisation à tout moment. Les modifications seront publiées sur, et il est de votre responsabilité de les consulter régulièrement.

9. Limitation de Responsabilité

DrivinJapan ne pourra être tenu responsable des pertes ou dommages résultant de l'utilisation ou de l'incapacité d'utiliser la DIJ e-Card, sauf en cas de faute lourde ou intentionnelle.

10. Contact

Pour toute question ou assistance concernant la DIJ e-Card, veuillez contacter notre service client à

Official JAF Translation
We work with JAF who handle the official translation of your driver's license required in Japan. You will be able to drive legally in Japan upon your arrival.

Fast Processing Without Moving
Drive as soon as you arrive in Japan without visiting administrative offices. Our bilingual agents take care of everything.

Secure Online Payment
Multiple payment methods available on the platform.

Fast Ordering/Shipping
Receive your translation at home or in Japan at your hotel or directly at your car rental company. - Official Driver's License Translation for driving in Japan

Who need
an official driver's licence translation to drive in Japan ? - Official Driver's License Translation for driving in Japan

If your driver's license is from Switzerland, France, Belgium, Germany, Monaco, Slovenia, or Taiwan, a translation is required to rent a car or drive in Japan. - Official Driver's License Translation for driving in Japan

For every translation order at
Receive a 10% discount on van rental at

discount discount

For every translation order at
Receive a 10% discount on van rental at our partner (see conditions).
Conditions: Van rental at for a minimum of 3 days and a maximum of 10 days. Subject to availability.

How does it work?
After ordering from, we will send you a code that you can present to to receive a 10% discount on your van rental. - Official Driver's License Translation for driving in Japan

For every translation order at
Receive an additional 5% discount on van rental at

discount discount

For every translation order at
Receive an 5% discount on van rental at our partner (see conditions).
Conditions: Subject to availability.

How does it work?
After ordering from, we will send you a code that you can present to to receive an additional 5% discount on your van rental. Pricing and Conditions

DrivinJapan gives you flexibility. Please choose the delivery method that suits you. Contact us via the chat at the bottom right if you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you!

Home Delivery


/ Translation

  • ✅ Delivery in Europe and Asia
  • ✅ Customer service in English and French
  • ✅ Online tracking and response within 24 hours
  • ✅ Express delivery option within 14 days

⏳ Processing time: 20 - 25 business days

🚀 Express: 10 - 15 business days

Order now!

Delivery to Hotel or Rental Agency


/ Translation

  • ✅ Delivery to hotel reception or rental agency
  • ✅ Customer service in English and French
  • ✅ Online tracking and response within 24 hours
  • ✅ Delivery within 10 - 15 days

⏳ Processing time: 10 - 15 business days

Order now! - Official Driver’s License Translation

How to Order Your Official Driver’s License Translation for Japan?

Follow These Simple Steps to Order with Peace of Mind - Order Tracking

Have you already placed an order with
Track your request online with ease!

DrivinJapan Order Tracking

After placing your order, you can track the progress of your request online. Simply click the button below and enter your login credentials.

You received your login credentials a few seconds after completing your online payment. If you haven’t received them, please contact us immediately:


Our dedicated team will be happy to send you your login credentials and inform you about the status of your order. - Official Driver Licence Translation to drive in Japan

Order your
Official Driver Licence Translation for Japan - Official Driver Licence Translation to drive in Japan is your partner for your trip to Japan. Since 2017, we have been assisting French, German, Swiss, Belgian, New Caledonian (and many more) tourists in obtaining a certified translation of their driver's license and travel safely and respectfully in Japan. For holders of driver's licenses issued in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco, Germany, Slovenia, or Taiwan, it is imperative to obtain a certified translation of the driver's license from the JAF (Japan Automobile Federation). More and more travelers are interested in exploring the Japanese archipelago by car. Renting a car is a great opportunity to discover Japan differently, by getting off the beaten track. Japan's railway network may be one of the best in the world. However, traveling by car provides a certain level of freedom by allowing travelers to stop wherever they want and discover unusual places "off the beaten tracks" and enjoy the magnificent landscapes offered by Japan.

We provide delivery of your driver's license translation directly to your home or hotel. Our translations are officially certified by the Japan Automobile Federation and are equally valid to your driver's license. - Official Driver Licence Translation to drive in Japan

Translation of Driver's License for Japan

We take care of your driver's license translation process. Receive it at your doorstep within 14 and 25 days and drive legally as soon as you arrive in Japan. - Official Driver Licence Translation to drive in Japan

Required documents

The scan of both sides in color of your valid driver's license

The license should not be cut off on the scan

The license should be scanned in its entirety

The scan should not exceed 2 pages

The scan should be clear and of good quality

The license should be scanned alone without any other elements (pouch, cover, etc.) - Customer Reviews

What do our customers think about DrivinJapan?
Discover authentic reviews below on a trusted platform.

DrivinJapan Customer Reviews - Our Partners

We are proud to collaborate with
exceptional partners...

...who share our commitment to excellence and innovation. Our partners span various sectors: vehicle rental, Internet connectivity, telecommunications, media, and recognized institutions. Together, we enhance the experience of our customers in Japan.

La French Tech CCI France Japan Zoom Japan eSIM Japan italki Road Trip Japan Samurai Campers Narita Rent A Car Rokusan Rental Cars Airalo Maido Real Estate
JAF Japan Post - secured payment with powered by stripe

Order and pay
via one of our secure online payment processors

Apple Pay
Samsung Pay
Google Pay - secured payment with powered by stripe

Start Your Process for
Official Driver’s License Translation for Japan

Calculate the Price of Your Translation

A simple system! Easily calculate the price by filling out our online form.

Secure Online Payment

Submit your request online and complete a secure payment without any travel.

Send Your Documents

Upload a scanned copy (front and back) of your driver’s license, and DrivinJapan will take care of the rest.

Drive Immediately and Legally

Drive legally in Japan as soon as you arrive with our fast and efficient service.